פרופ' חבר

פרופ' ג'ני ברונשטיין

פרופ' חבר
03-7384027 |
502/4, חדר 16
שעות קבלה
לפי תיאום מראש
תחומי מחקר
    קורות חיים

    ד"ר ברונשטיין הינה בעלת תואר ראשון (B.A) בבלשנות וב.א כללי (1990) מאוניברסיטת תל-אביב, תעודת ספרן מוסמך (1993), תואר שני (M.A, 2000) ותואר שלישי (Ph.D, 2006) מהמחלקה ללימודי מידע באוניברסיטת בר-אילן.

    תחומי התמחות ועניין:

    • התנהגות חיפוש מידע ברשת החברתית 
    • התנהגות מידע של מהגרי עבודה ואוכלוסיות שוליים אחרות
    • ספריות אקדמיות
    • מידע בריאותי ואריינות בריאותית 
    • מנהיגות ברשת החברתית
    • אחזור מידע


    2015-2018 – Grant from the Israel Science Foundation. Entitled: Living in a small world: an exploratory study of the information behavior of migrant domestic. Budget for 3 years 264,000 NIS.

    Research coordinator and Principal investigator. 



    752 מרכז מידע במוסדות להשכלה גבוהה
    807 טכניקות חיפוש מתקדמות באחזור מידע מקוון
    973 סדנא לכתיבת תזה
    986-01 חיפושי מידע מקוונים
    986-02 חיפושי מידע מקוונים
    992 מחקר איכותני



    Bronstein, J. (2019). Reframing integration, Journal of Documentation, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-06-2019-0108

    Naveh, S. & Bronstein, J. (2019)ץ Sense making in complex health situations, Aslib Journal of Information Management,. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/AJIM-02-2019-0049

    Zigrun, S. & Bronstein, J. (2019)."Help is where you find it":  The role of absent ties networks as sources of information and support in virtual health communities. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 70(2), 130-139  

    Bronstein, J. (2018). A transitional approach to the study of the information behavior of domestic migrant workers: A narrative inquiry. Journal of Documentation. https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-07-2018-0112 

    Bronstein, J. & Nebenzhal, O. (2018). Developing scales for identifying and classifying library and information science skills and competencies: An Israeli perspective. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. https://doi.org/10.1177/0961000618792390  

    Bronstein, J., Aharony, N., & Bar-Ilan, J. (2018). Politicians' use of Facebook during elections: Use of emotionally-based discourse, personalization, social media engagement and vividness. ASLIB Journal of Information Management, 70(5), 551-572. 

    Matas, H. & Brostein J. (2018). (student) A Qualitative inquiry of old people's health literacy in situations of health uncertainty. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 35(4), 319-330 

    Perez, O., Bar-Ilan, J. Gazit, T., Aharony, N., Amichai-Hamburger, Y., & Bronstein, J. (2018). The prospects of e-democracy: An experimental study of collaborative e-rulemaking. Journal of Information Technology & Politics. Retrieved from: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3162587  

    Yevelson, A. & Bronstein, J. (student) (2018). Three perspectives on information literacy in the academia: Talking to librarians, faculty and students. College & Research Libraries, 79(4), 535-553 

    Gazit, T., Bronstein, J., Amichai-Hamburger, Y., Aharony, N., Bar-Ilan, J. & Perez, O. (2018). Active participants and lurkers in online discussion groups: An exploratory analysis of focus group interviews and observation. Information Research, 23(2), paper 791. Retrieved from http://InformationR.net/ir/23-2/paper791.html 

    Bronstein, J. (2017). Information grounds as a vehicle for social inclusion of domestic migrant workers in Israel. Journal of Documentation, 73(5), 934-952.  

    Bronstein, J. (2017). An Examination of social and informational support strategies on the Internet: The case of online health communities. Library and Information Science Research, 39(1), 63-68. 

    Genius, S. & Bronstein, J. (2017). Looking for ‘normal’: Sense making in the context of health disruption. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 68(3), 750-761.  

    Bronstein, J., Gazit, T., Perez, O., Ba-Ilan, J., Aharony, N., & Amichai-Hamburger, Y. (2016). An examination of the factors contributing to participation in online social platforms. ASLIB Journal of Information Management, 68(6), 793-818.  (A)

    Amichai-Hamburger, Y., Gazit, T., Bar-Ilan, J., Perez, O., Aharony, N., Bronstein, J., & Dyne, T. S. (2016). Psychological factors behind the lack of participation in online discussions. Computers in Human Behavior, 55, 268-277. 

    Solomon, Y., & Bronstein, J. (student) (2015). Serendipity in legal information seeking behavior Chance encounters of family-law advocates with court rulings.  ASLIB Journal of Information Management, 68(1), 112-135. 

    Bronstein, J. & Knoll, M. (student) (2015). Blogging motivations of women suffering from infertility. Information Research, 20(2). Retrieved from http://www.informationr.net/ir/20-2/paper669.html#.VX1Lt_mqqko  

    Bronstein, J. (2015). An exploration of the library and information science professional skills and personal competencies: An Israeli perspective. Library and Information Science Research, 30, 130-138.

    Shpiner, S (student) & Bronstein, J.  (2014). The role of Facebook groups in the development of the 2011 social protest in Egypt, Meidaat, 10. Retrieved from: http://is.biu.ac.il/node/2806 (in Hebrew).  

    Bronstein J. (2014). Creating possible selves: information disclosure behaviour on social networks. Information Research, 19(1) paper 609. Retrieved from http://InformationR.net/ir/19-1/paper609.html.  

    Knoll, M. (student) & Bronstein, J. (2014). An examination of the information disclosure behaviour of infertility bloggers: Patterns of self-disclosure and anonymity. ASLIB Journal of Information Management, 66(2), 175-201. 

    Aharony, N. & Bronstein, J. (2014). Academic librarians' perceptions on information literacy: The Israeli perspective. portal: Libraries and the Academy, 14(1), 103-119.  

    Bronstein, J. (2013). The Role of perceived self-efficacy in the information seeking behaviour of library and information science students. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 35(2), 151-158. 

    Bronstein, J. (2013). Being private in public: Information disclosure behaviour of Israeli bloggers.  Information Research, 18(4). Paper 600. Retrieved from: http://InformationR.net/ir/18-4/paper600.html   

    Bronstein, J. (2013).  Like me!: Analyzing the Facebook pages of   2012US presidential  candidates. Online Information Review, 37(2), 173-182.  

    Bronstein, J., & Zivian, L. (2013). Perceived self-efficacy of library and information science professionals regarding their information retrieval skills. Library and Information Science Research, 35(2), 151-158.  

    Bronstein, J. (2013). Personal blogs as online presences on the Internet: Exploring self -presentation and self-disclosure in blogging. ASLIB Proceedings, 65(2), 161-181 

    Aharony, N. & Bronstein, J. (2012). A Delphi investigation into future trends in e-learning. Interactive Learning Environments, 22(6), 789-803.

    Finzi, S., Bronstein, J., Bar-Ilan, J., Baruchson-Arbib, S., Rafaeli, S., & Ravid, G. (2012).Volunteers acting as information providers to citizens. ASLIB Proceedings, 64(3), 289-303.  

    Bronstein, J. (2011). The role and work perceptions of academic reference librarians: A qualitative inquiry. portal: Libraries and the Academy, 11(3), 791-811.  

    Bronstein, J. (2010). Selecting and using information sources: source preferences and information pathways of Israeli library and information science students. Information Research, 15(4) paper 447. Retrieved from http://InformationR.net/ir/15-4/paper447.html.  

    Hetz, H., Baruchson-Arbib, S., Shalom, N. & Bronstein, J. (2010). Managing public libraries in an era of change. Meidaat, 6, 4-30. (In Hebrew).  

    Bronstein, J. (2009). Current trends in library and information studies. Libri, 59(2), 78-87.  

    Bronstein, J. and Aharony, N. (2009). Views and dreams: A Delphi investigation into library 2.0 applications. Journal of Web Librarianship, 3(2), 89-110. 

    Bronstein, J. and Baruchson-Arbib, S. (2008). The application of cost & benefit and least effort theories in studies of information seeking behaviour of humanists. Journal of Information Science, 34(2), 131-144.  

    Baruchson-Arbib, S. and Bronstein, J. (2007). Humanists as information users in the digital age: The case of Jewish studies scholars. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(14), 2269-2680  

    Bronstein, J. (2007). Current trends in library and information studies curricula around the world: looking for the user-centred approach. Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society, 5(2/3), 59-79.   

    Bronstein, J. (2007). The role of the research phase in information seeking behaviour of Jewish studies scholars: a modification of Ellis's behavioural characteristics. Information Research, 12(3) paper 318.  Retrieved from: http://InformationR.net/ir/12-3/paper319.html   

    Bronstein, J. and Baruchson-Arbib, S. (2004). Information seeking behaviour: Model analysis towards a user-centred approach, Meidaat, 1(1), 2-14. (In Hebrew) 

    Baruchson-Arbib, S. and Bronstein, J. (2002). A view to the future of the library and information science profession: A Delphi study. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 33, 397-408. 


    תאריך עדכון אחרון : 09/12/2024